So, I’ve been an Ambassador for Guide Dogs for the Blind for over ten years now.
When I’m out walking the doggies, people (who don’t know that I actually run my own edible dog card business) think that raising and training the guide dog pups is actually my job.
It’s not.
What I do for the charity is actually 100% voluntary. I don’t get paid or anything. The rearwards I get from raising these little heroes is all emotional.
A lot of people don’t understand that.
The other thing I get asked a lot about is “do you not get too attached to the dogs?”.
It’s a weird question for me, if I’m being honest. It kind of makes me feel that people think I don’t care. Like I can just raise a dog from a pup onto their early life and then just not bat an eyelid when they leave.
I know people probably don’t mean for me to feel like that, but I feel it all the same.
The truth is, it absolutely kills me when they go. Even in a few short months, my family and I will have created so many happy memories with each dog and now they’re off and, in some cases, we will never see them again.
But there are few things that get me through the heartbreak.
Firstly when they leave, my friends at the charity will give me updates on how they’re progressing. This really does help to put my mind at ease, knowing that they’re settling into their new life.
Secondly, there’s the obvious pride we always have when a guide dog goes on to qualify and become a full Guide Dog. A huge amount of hard work goes into getting that dog from a cute little puppy onto a highly trained Guide Dog and it’s not just what we do at home, it’s also the tireless work the Association puts into the intense training. Those guys work so hard with the dogs and I’ve always felt that, knowing lots of the trainers personally, that they see their work as so much more than a job. They are all so hugely devoted to the dogs and I really support that.
Lastly, I always know that it won’t be long before we’re welcoming another little hero into our fam. It’s kind of like as one chapter ends another begins in our house. Each and every dog is completely unique personality wise and that’s a really nice part about having lots of comings and goings.
Over the years, we’ve had all kinds of characters come to stay with us… Some have been absolute nutters, as you can probably imagine, but some have been so intelligent and each and every one of them has brought their own unique brand of lovability.
I’m over ten years into raising guide dog pups and, so far I’ve been lucky enough have welcomed Bert, my 17th guide dog in training, and he will be living with us for the next few months.
At the moment, we’re not thinking about Bert leaving us, we’re just loving having the little loon around, but I absolutely know that when Bert does move on, he’ll be off to do wonderful things and for that we’ll be so, so proud of him.
And then we’ll get another.
Before I sign off, I know that I speak to lots of lovely people who would like to support guide dogs and maybe even help with the doggies. Well, I happen to help raise the doggies, but there are many varying levels of support that you can offer the charity, from casual boarding, where you take care of a dog overnight to all kinds of help you can offer.
If you want to get into guide dogs, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s helped my life so much and if you have any questions, just contact and I’ll tell you all that I know.
Thanks so much and Happy International Guide Dog Day!
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